ISPN Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

Current ISPN SIG:

SIG: Bridges - The Student Journey to Advanced Practice (formally called: APN Formation)

Special Interest Group is a group of ISPN members who have an interest in a special topic or issue relating to psychiatric mental health (PMH) nursing.

Purposes of SIGs in ISPN:

  1. Provide a community of engagement, promotion, and facilitation of ideas, best practices, and experiences shared among PMH nurses; and
  2. Generate a network for members to develop professionally, collaborate on projects, exchange ideas, disseminate information, and promote research.

Goals of SIGs in ISPN:

  1. Contribute to professional growth of members;
  2. Sponsor scientific meetings and publications; and
  3. Strengthen the mission and practices of ISPN as stated in 2023 Bylaws.

Structure of SIGs: Each SIG will have a Chair and at least five (5) members to initiate. Members may request to join a SIG; each SIG may have an unlimited number of members. Currently, there is no associated fee. Each SIG will decide how much and when to network. Each SIG typically will meet at least once per year at the ISPN Annual Conference.

How to establish a SIG: A group of at least five people (minimum) may submit a request to the ISPN Board of Directors at [email protected]. Include the topic of interest, purpose, goals (2) with measurable outcomes, resources if needed, and a timeline if project development is planned.

If you have questions, please email [email protected].